Rolf Gnauck
À propos de l'artiste
Tout le monde écrit des livres, moi je les peins !
"Les livres sont quelque chose de merveilleux. Ils m'inspirent, me permettent d'être courageux, de rêver, de m'émerveiller et de réaliser, ils m'emmènent sur des chemins inconnus, loin du présent et de l'ici, puis me ramènent, souvent plus près de moi. Aucun chapitre de ma vie ne serait concevable sans mes chers livres. Il est grand temps de leur ériger un monument. En grand format".
Rolf Gnauck has had his own design agency, ROLF GNAUCK COMMUNICATION, on the market for over 20 years. Before that, he worked as an art director at BBDO Düsseldorf for many years. It has always been Rolf Gnauck's deepest wish to paint realistically one day. The idea matured and he found his subject: A subject that can be paraphrased with just one keyword:
Books! He paints books!
He has always loved books, read a lot, liked to feel the haptics and - of course - designed books and printed works himself in the course of his profession. For him, books are pure emotion!
Rolf Gnauck paints your favourite book.
Are you in? Welcome to the club! Rolf Gnauck will gladly paint "your" book as a commissioned work. For whatever occasion. Beforehand you agree with him on the format, colours, look & feel of the work, and just a few weeks later this wonderful book will be hanging above your couch.
- Or as a statement in the reception of a company. - Or as an eye-catcher in the entrance hall of a shop. - Or it will simply be the greatest book you have ever given as a gift.