Olivier Messas
Germany | France
About the artist
" I am constantly searching for a harmony and each of my paintings is a step towards it."

Olivier Messas is a talented painter, photographer and sculptor who was born in Vietnam, grew up in France and now lives in France and Germany. His works have won many awards and are represented in publications and exhibitions throughout Europe and Asia. His artistic work is for Messas an escape from the world and at the same time an expression of his cultural heritage. His style ranges from figurative to abstract and is characterised by clear, warm colours.
Living between Paris in France and Karlsruhe in Germany, his life, like his paintings, is a mirror of his travels and imaginings. Travelling through countries, continents and cultures in search of diversity and new impressions - and travelling inside himself in search of inner balance. His paintings are often very colourful and express his feelings, his state of mind and his needs. Needs for constant change and freedom.
In 2012, he decided to paint professionally and make a living from his art. Since then he paints every day with passion and each of his paintings is a step towards the harmony he is constantly searching for.
Works | Series
Expression libre
2023 Salon d'Art Contemporain de Hyere - Guest of Honour 2023- Hyere, Frankreich 2021 Artist selected by the Jacques BOITIAT Academy to participate in the Grand Prix de Barbizon 2021 - Nominiert- Barbizon, Frankreich 2021 ARTIST GUEST OF HONOR at the Salon International des Artistes Contemporains de Saint-Tropez 2021- Guest of honor- Saint-Tropez, Frankreich 2020 ARTIST GUEST OF HONOR at the Salon d'Art et de la Création 2020- Guest of honor- Toulon, France 2017 Artist selected by the Jacques BOITIAT Academy to participate in the Grand Prix de Barbizon - Nominator - Barbizon, France 2016 GRAND SALON DE PRINTEMPS- 1st PRIZE ABSTRATED PAINTING- Draguignan, Frankreich 2016 SALON DES ARTISTES CONTEMPORAINS DE SAINT-TROPEZ- 4th PRIZE PAINTING AND SCULPTURE- Saint-tropez, Frankreich 2014 ARTOULOUSE- PALME D'OR PEINTURE ABSTRAITE- Toulouse, Frankreich 2014 GRAND SALON DE PRINTEMPS- 1st PRIZE ALL CATEGORIES- Draguignan, France 2013 ESPACE NLB - 2nd PRIZE ABSTRATED PAINTING- Limoges, France 2013 GRAND SALON DE PRINTEMPS- 1st PRIZE ALL CATEGORIES- Draguignan, France
Solo exhibitions
2023 expression libre / Université de Droit de Limoges - Limoges, France 2022 POSITION BERLIN ART FAIR / Tempelhof Airport Hangar 3-4 - Berlin, Germany 2022 ARTUP LILLE Foire d'Art / Grand Palais - Lille, France 2022 Montreux Art Gallery (Contemporary Art Fair) / MONTREUX CONVENTION CENTER - Montreux, Switzerland 2022 Discover Art Fair Frankfurt / Forum Messe Frankfurt - Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2022 Salon Artshopping Carrousel du Louvre / CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE - Paris, France 2022 ART3 F Monaco / Espace Fonteveille - Monaco, Monaco 2022 RYH BASEL / Rhy Park Basel - Basel, Switzerland 2022 Salon Art3F Salon d'art contemporain / HALLE TONY GARNIER - Lyon, France 2022 Olivier Messas "Abstraction & Atmosphère" / Gallery Art Studio Unlimited - Genève, Switzerland 2022 Discovery Art Fair Cologne / XPOST in Cologne - Cologne, Germany 2022 Luxembourg Art 3F / LuxeExpo - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2022 artkarlsruhe / Messe Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe, Germany 2021 Art3f Mulhouse / PARC EXPO - Mulhouse, France 2021 Art3f Luxembourg / Luxexpo - Thebox - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2021 Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt / Forum Messe Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2021 Art Shopping Carrousel de Louvre / CARROUSEL DEL LOUVRE - Paris, France 2021 SALON INTERNATIONAL DES ARTISTES CONTEMPORAINS DE SAINT-TROPEZ / Salle Jean Despas - Saint-Tropez, France 2021 POSITION BERLIN ART FAIR / Tempelhof Airport Hangar 3-4 - Berlin, Germany 2021 Art3F Monaco / Espace Fontvieille - Monaco, Monaco 2021 Rhy 5TH CONTEMPORARY ART SALON / Rhy Park Basel - Basel, Switzerland 2021 ART Karlsruhe "one artist show" / Messe Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe, Germany 2021 LAUSANNE ART FAIR / Beaulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2021 Discovery Art Fair Cologne / XPost Köln - Cologne, Germany 2021 ART3F Strasbourg / Parc des Expositions - Strasbourg, France 2021 Art3F Bruxelles / Heysel - Bruxelles, Belgium 2021 Art3F Paris / Porte de Versailles Paris Expo - Paris, France 2020 Positions Berlin Art Fair / Tempelhof Airport Hangar 3-4 - Berlin, Germany 2020 Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt / Forum Messe Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2020 Entre ciel et mer... / Gallery Sievi - Berlin, Germany 2020 MONACO Art Fair 2020 / Espace Fontvieille - Monaco, Monaco 2020 Contemporary Art Fair Luxembourg / Luxexpo - Thebox - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2020 ART3F Mulhouse / Parc Expo Mulhouse - Mulhouse, France 2020 Art3F Bruxelles / Parc expo Heysel - Belgique, Belgium 2020 ART3F MARSEILLE / Palais de l'Europe - Marseille, France 2020 ARTSHOPPING Paris / Carrousel de Louvre - Paris, France 2020 ART3F LYON / Hall Tony-Garnier - Lyon, France 2020 ART NOCTURNE KNOCKE / CC Scharpoord Knocke - Knocke, Belgium 2020 Salon d'art contemporain de Toulon / Palais Neptune - Toulon, France 2020 Contemporary Art Fair Lausanne / Expo Baulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2020 Artshopping Deauville / CID de Deauville - Deauville, France 2020 CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR PARIS / Porte de Versailles Paris Expo - Paris, France 2020 Art Karlsruhe / Messe Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe, Germany 2020 ART Innsbruck Art Fair / Messe Innsbruck - Innsbruck, Austria 2019 MAG Montreux Art Gallery / Centre des Congrès - Montreux, France 2019 Art3f International Contemporary Art Fair / Halle Tony Garnier - Lyon, France 2019 Art3f International Contemporary Art Fair / Parc Expo Mulhouse - Mulhouse, Gabon 2019 Exposition permanente / ARTVEST Gallery - Vannes, France 2019 Exposition permanente " galerie Art of Happiness " (2019) / Galerie Art of Happiness bvba - Bruxelles, Belgium 2019 Exposition permanente " gallery Art gallery " 2019 / gallery Art Gallery Chantal Morel - Tournai, Belgium 2019 Exposition permanente " Esprit voile " / Galerie CARAVANA - Les sables d'Olonnes, France 2019 Salon d'art contemporain ART SHOPPING " Paris " (2019) / CARROUSEL DEL LOUVRE - Paris, France 2019 Salon d'art contemporain ART SHOPPING " La Baule " (2019) / Palais des Congrès de la Baule - Atlantia - La Baule, France 2019 LAUSANNE ART FAIR 2019 / Expo Beaulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2019 Salon d'art contemporain ART SHOPPING " Deauville " 2019 / Centre International de Deauville - Deauville, France 2019 Galerie Carré d'Artistes Hong-Kong / Gallery CARRE D'ARTISTES Hong-Kong - Hong-Kong, China 2019 Art3f International Contemporary Art Fair / Porte de Versailles - Paris, France 2018 art3f Luxembourg / Luxexpo The Box - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2018 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / SdPSP - PDOS 6 (17ème) - Bruxelles, Belgium 2018 Exposition "Esprit voile" / Hôpitaux Iris Sud (Molière Longchamp) - Brussels, Belgium 2018 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Riverside Europe Partners s.p.r.l. - Brussels, Belgium 2018 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Blake & Partners sprl - Brussels, Belgium 2018 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / Vector 1 France SAS - Malakoff, France 2018 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / FRESENIUS KABI - Sevres, France 2018 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / VERMEG - Paris, France 2018 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / Groupe BPI - Paris, France 2018 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / IMCD France - Plaine Saint-Denis, France 2018 Esprit Voile | Sailing Spirit / Gallery COGALERIE - Karlsruhe, Germany 2018 Abstraction et Atmosphere / Gallery COGALERIE - Karlsruhe, Germany 2018 Galerie CARRÉ D'ARTISTES LILLE / Galerie Carré d'artistes - Lille, France 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Regus Schuman BVBA - Brussels, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / S-Clinica - Brussels, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Compagnie du Lac - Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / ABV Enterprise - Mont-Saint-Guiber, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Vermeg Belgium - Bruxelles, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / EFRAG - Brussels, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile" / AMCHAM - Brussels, Belgium 2017 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / VIVACITY - SCI Villiot Propco - Paris, France 2017 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / ALLIANZ - Immeuble NEPTUNE, Paris La Défense - Paris, France 2017 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / KENSINGTON Rueil Propco immeuble HANAMI - Rueil-Malmaison, France 2017 Exposition "Géométrie nomade" / SODEXO MONCEAU II - Paris, France 2017 Esprit Voile | Sailing Spirit 2017 / Centre de lutte contre le cancer | Hôpital Léon Bérard - Lyon, France 2017 Exposition "Sailing Spirit" / STRALHENBERGER HOF - Schriesheim, Germany 2017 Exposition "Painter Positions" / Galerie Sievi - Berlin, Germany 2017 Exposition "Esprit voile" / Galerie DA VINCI - Paris, France 2017 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Gallery CARRE D'ARTISTES - Rome, Italy 2016 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Galerie DA VINCI - Paris, France 2016 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Gallery HMAR - Mykonos, Greece 2016 Exposition "Abstraction and Atmosphere" / Gallery HOFKUNST - Ludwigsburg, Germany 2016 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Gallery CARRE D'ARTISTES - Utretch, Netherlands 2016 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Galerie CARRE D'ARTISTES - Paris, France 2016 Exposition "Abstraction et Atmosphère" / Galerie Sievi - Berlin, Germany 2015 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Gallery OPEN ART - Dijon, France 2015 Exposition "Abstraction and Atmosphere" / Kammertheater Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe, Germany 2014 Exposition "Entre ciel et mer" / Galerie des Allées - Draguignan, France 2013 Exposition "ATMOSPHERE" / Gallery ART UP DECO - Paris, France 2012 Exposition "Esprit Voile" / Galerie Zee-art - Strasbourg, France
Group exhibitions
2023 Montreux Art Gallery MAG / Casino de Montreux - Montreux, Switzerland 2023 Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt 2023 / Messe Frankfurt - Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2023 Salon d'Art Contemporain Art3f Marseille / Parc Chanot - Marseille, France 2023 Salon Art Contemporain de Lausanne / Beaulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2023 ARTe Wiebaden 2023 / Rhein Main Kongresscenter - Wiesbaden, Germany 2023 Salon Art Contemporain de Monaco / Espace Fontvieille - Monaco, Monaco 2023 art Karl KARLSRUHE 2023 / Karlsruhe Fair - Karlsruhe, Germany 2023 Salon Art Contemporain du Luxembourg / LuxeExpo - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2023 Salon Art Contemporain Zurich / Zurich Fair - Zurich, Switzerland 2023 Salon Art Contemporain Strasbourg / Parc des Expositions Strasbourg - Strasbourg, France 2023 Salon Art Contemporain Reims / parc des expositions Reims - Reims, France 2023 World Art Dubaï / World Trade Center Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2023 Diversity I "Lumière & Reflet" / coGALERIE Berlin - Berlin, Germany 2023 Salon art contemporain ART3F / PORTE DE VERSAILLES - Parc expo - Paris, France 2022 3 Chemins (3 Artistes) / Galerie Sievi - Berlin, Germany 2022 Géométrie nomade / Lill'art Gallery - Lille, France 2022 Salon des peintres et sculpteurs de st Tropez / Salle Jean Despas, Place des Lices - Saint-Tropez, France 2022 Unfair Milano / Superstudio Maximilian - Milan, Italy 2020 Discovery Art Fair Cologne / XPOST in Cologne - Cologne, Germany 2020 MAG Montreux Art Gallery / Montreux Music & Convention Center - Montreux, Switzerland 2020 ART3F TOULOUSE / Parc des Expositions - Toulouse, France 2019 Arte Wiesbaden 2019 / RheinMain CongressCenter - Wiesbaden, Germany 2019 ART OF RANGE Gallery / Galerie ART OF RANGE - Honfleur, France 2019 Galerie CARRÉ D'ARTISTES LYON / GALERIE CARRE D ARTISTES - Lyon, France 2019 Discovery Art Fair Cologne / XPost Köln - Cologne, Germany 2019 BOOT DÜSSELDORF 2019 / ARENA - Düsseldorf, Germany 2018 Exposition collective / ART GALLERY Chantal Morel - Tournai, Belgium 2018 Exposition "Esprit voile | Sailing Spirit" / Galerie Carré d'artistes Hong Kong - Hong Kong, China 2018 Exposition / Gallery OPEN ART - Dijon, France 2018 Exposition / Gallery HofKunst - Ludwigburg, Germany 2018 Galerie Carré d'artistes L'EXPO / MARSEILLE L'EXPO - Marseille, France 2018 Exposition / Gallery CARRE D'ARTISTES - Barcelone, Spain 2018 Luxembourg Contemporary Art Fair / LuxExpo - Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2018 Exposition / Gallery Carré d'artiste Rome - Rome, Italy 2018 BRUXELLES ART FAIR 2018 / Brussels Exhibition Centre - Brussels, Belgium 2018 Montreux Art Gallery / Montreux music et convention centre - Montreux, Switzerland 2018 GMAC et Foire de Paris / Champs de Mars - Paris, France 2018 SALON INTERNATIONAL DES ARTISTES CONTEMPORAINS DE SAINT-TROPEZ / Salle Jean Despas - Saint-tropez, France 2018 Art - Paris, Carroussel du Louvre / Carroussel du Louvre - Paris, France 2018 LAUSANNE ART FAIR / Expo Baulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2018 Art Shopping fine art fair / Centre International de Deauville - Deauville, France 2018 BOOT DÜSSELDORF / Messe Düsseldorf - Düsseldorf, Germany 2017 Art in OOTMARSUM / OOTMARSUM - OOTMARSUM, Netherlands 2017 EXCLUSIVE ART EXPERIENCE MENU SINNESWANDEL / Endingen - Endingen, Germany 2017 SALON DES ARTISTES CONTEMPORAINS DE SAINT-TROPEZ / Salle Jean Despas - Saint-tropez, France 2017 MONTREUX ART FAIR / Montreux music et convention centre - Montreux, Switzerland 2017 GRAND MARCHÉ D'ART CONTEMPORAIN PLACE JOFFRE/CHAMPS-DE-MARS / Champs de Mars - Paris, France 2017 52e GRAND PRIX DE BARBIZON / Espace culturel de Barbizon - Barbizon, France 2017 POSITION ART FAIR / Arena Berlin - Berlin, Germany 2017 ARTSHOPPING / Carrousel du Louvre - Paris, France 2017 LAUSANNE ART FAIR / Expo Baulieu Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland 2017 BOOT DÜSSELDORF / ARENA - Düsseldorf, Germany 2016 ARTSHOPPING Cannes / Centre Expo Congrès de Cannes Mandelieu la Napoule - Cannes, France 2016 BERLINER LISTE / Postbahnhof Berlin - Berlin, Germany 2015 Exposition Labelg'art / Galerie du Beffroi - Namur, Belgium 2015 Salon d'art contemporain SMART / Parc Jourdan - Aix-en-Provence, France 2014 Salon d'art contemporain KÜNSTLERGALERIE / Messe Stuttgart - Stuttgart, Germany 2014 Grand salon de L'art abordable / La Bellevilloise - Paris, France 2014 Grand salon de printemps / Espace Saint-Exupéry - Draguignan, France 2014 ARTOULOUS'EXPO / centre de congrès DIAGORA - Toulouse, France 2013 GRAND MARCHÉ D'ART CONTEMPORAIN de Bastille / Bastille - Paris, France
2022 Carine Mouradian- Olivier Messas, the artist who raises the sails of freedom. 2021 Journal régional Suisse Riviera Chablais- Olivier Messas, the praise of forms 2021 Singulart - Magazine- Portrait of our artists 2021 caroline CANAULT (Art critic)- Olivier Messas, in complete freedom 2020 TURQUOISE Magazine Saint-Tropez- Olivier Messas, Painter and sculptor 2015 Le journal du GMAC Bastille- Olivier Messas - Abstraction & Atmosphere 2015 Sailing Today Magazine - Art from a sailing Addict 2013 Var Matin- Art and matter at the big spring show (page 5) 2013 La revue des arts pluriels (Nathalie Lescop-Boeswillwald) - p20 - Chinese Portrait 2013 KLAPPE AUF - Ausstellungen Olivier Messas 2013 La revue des arts pluriels (Nathalie Lescop-Boeswillwald) - Artists' works 2012 INKA STADT MAGAZIN- KUNST-TIPP : MEXIKANISCHES TEMPERAMENT