Cecilia Coppola

Skulptures | Ceramic art
About the artist

Like in a fairy tale or myth, I search for the extraordinary

Cecilia Coppola - Skulptures, Ceramic art

Her porcelains are almost always everyday objects reinterpreted through a fantastic lens. As in a fairy tale, these everyday objects come to life, each element transformed into something unexpected. She needs the symbol or archetype to tell a story, and telling a story is always her real goal.

Works | Series

Ceramic Art | Ceramic Art



2007 | Russi of Ravenna Collective “Books never seen before”, First prize of the homonymous competition.

2019 | Appignano, Italy International Award for ceramic art “Fairyland Lands”

Solo exhibitions

2009 | Rimini, Italien Einzelausstellung "Fairytale Teapots" Galerie Spazio Bianco

2009 | Wales, GB "Ein Märchentee" Mitarbeiter der Art Gallery, Abergavenny

2008 | Rimini, Italien Personal "Ein Tee in der Bibliothek" Buchhandlung Fourth Floor

2008 | Cesena, Italien Persönlich "Fantastische Schiffswracks" in der Galerie Le Mura

2008 | Wales, GB Fairy Teapots" Kunstgalerie Personal Abergavenny

2007 | Riccione, Italien

Group exhibitions

2019 | Paris, Frankreich Teilnahme an der Maison & Objet - Sektion Kunsthandwerk

2018 | Paris, Frankreich Teilnahme an der Maison & Objet

2015-18 | Rimini, Italien Kollektivausstellung Keramik, Burg Malatesta

2010 | Rimini, Italien Kollektiv "Manifesta" Palazzo dell'Arengo

2009 | Rimini, Italien Kollektiv "Manifesta" Palazzo dell'Arengo

2009 | Ravenna, Russland Kollektiv "Nie gesehene Bücher!"

2007 | Rimini, Italien Kollektiv "Göttliche Pfade" Antike Weinhandlung Spazi